I love cloudy weather.
I love to read Harry Potter.
I love to travel to peaceful places.
I love spending time with my friends and talking and talking and talking and..
I love my job.
I love chocolates.
I love to be surprised.
I love small, silly gifts.
I love children.
I love my parents.
I love the look on meenal's face when she see's pink.
I love sweets.
I love the smell of currency notes.
I love neetu when she tries to be my mummy.
I love neetu.
I love getting new clothes and shoes.
I love it when my mummy feeds me.
I love being surrounded by thousands and thousands of books and imagining that they're whispering their little secrets to me.
I love sitting with my feet in a pond.
I love swings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the sunset and the sunrise.
I love holding a baby in my arms.
I love eating pani-puri with kirthi..
I love standing at the door in a moving train an watching it snake along behind me..
I love hyderabad.
I love mumbai.
I love the time i spent with deepthi in her house, sitting on her swing eating matka kulfi.
I love reaaally old temples carved out of stone that make me feel there's some magical mystery about them..
I love doggies.
I love to watch smitha dance.
I love to laugh.
I love ppl who make me laugh.
I love to give.
I love teasing my grandmother... :)
I love to laugh at those silly lovers scattered accross necklace road and hidden away in secret lake.
I love to listen to ppl talk esp about themselves.
I love jumping in puddles and getting drenched in the rain.
I love it when meenal says "Mere ko kya Sapna aaya..............."
I love it when I've done something to make a customer's day brighter and better.
I love it when everyone at work thinks im simply wonderful...when i really dint do anything thaaat great... hehe..
I love it when i prove a stubborn arse wrong.
I love to tease Baba with Pinky.
I love hills and mountains.
I love clouds.
I love staring up at the blue sky until all i can see is bluuuuuuuuuuuuue.
I love music.
I love to sing when noone is listening.
I love my veena.
I love smitha's massages...
I love sofft toys.
I love to feel special.
I love remembering the stupid meaningless things i did at school like trying to suck nectar from flowers and eating pepsi-icecreams.
I love my school-teachers.
I love to sketch.
I love to take photographs with no ppl in them!!!! haha..
I love looking at smitha's pictures...and thinking....this is what angels must look like..
I love to sleep.
I love huge families.
I love looking at pictures of ppl...even those i dont know..
I love to see young ppl helping older ones..
I love looking at college girls on the streets and goin down memory lane........
I love the smell of Petrol.
I love kirthi when she says "I know"...lol!!
I love fresh stationery.
I love to write.
I love those .."Love IS" cartoon strips..
I love to see my manager pleased with my work.
I love to listen when Baba talks in telugu :D
I love my mom when she is funny. (Yes she can be)
I love ppl who accept their mistakes without being told.
I love running on a beach.
I love long walks.
I love to sleep on ppl's shoulder and they try so hard to adjust themselves to make u comfortable..
I love hours and hours of pondering over the mysteries of the universe.
I love to believe that God has a sense of humour.
I love freshly sharpened, long, new pencils.
I love new, white erasers.
I love the smell of rain on dry earth.
I love the sound of silence.
I love bike rides.
I love kirthi's tiny button nose.
I love sleeping in my mother's lap.
I love love.