I cant believe i loved summer when i was a kid.
I was a weird kid. All kids are werid.
Once there were no other kids in the park and i was swinging all by myself for 2 hours straight in the afternoon in the middle of the desert-summer. I was looking at the sun all the time.. trying to make shapes in the bright sunlight each time i opened my eyes.. I could see swords and horses and desert warriors.. i made up my own stories as i kept swinging. The next day i was sick with a sun stroke. I remember vividly smiling myself to sleep thinking about the warriors even as i was sick.
I was a weird kid. summer doesnt seem to affect kids at all. they have buffalo skin. the heat just doesnt get through.
i hate summer now. summer is especially unkind to girls. and specially specially unkind to girls like me with sensitive skin that gets tanned one shade darker every 5 minutes in the sun. its a ridiculous curse. i hate it.. well atleast i know that i have less risk of skin cancer or something.. whatever.. i feel like the kid in the commercial with the sun sucking from a straw at the top of his head... i feel exactly like that.
i want to sit in a tub full of ice cubes. i want to live in a refrigerator. i want to go to the north pole.. or south pole.. or wherever where there's ice. my brain refuses to work and my body refuses to move when its so hot.. i feel dull and sluggish and kind of stupid.. (or maybe that's just regular me.. i dunno :D) ..
yuck yuck yuck.
yuck yuck yuck yuck. stupid sticky summer. yuck yucky summer yuck.